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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain and erection. It’s estimated that nearly 50% of men over the age of 40 suffer from mild to moderate ED. It’s a difficult and embarrassing subject for most men to deal with and consequently they either don’t get the help they need or they turn to expensive prescription drugs that may have some harsh side effects. The good news is that there are a lot of natural remedies that have been shown to work that don’t have those unwanted side effects.
As with any health problem it’s important to look at the basic terrain of your life. A sedentary lifestyle full of stress and a diet full of sugar, fats and preservatives is your worst enemy if you want to have good health and a vibrant sex life. ED is often a side effect of this kind of lifestyle and the health issues that go along with it. Hormones and libido are very reactive to everything else in your life so the first thing to take a look at is your diet, stress and exercise levels. Obesity, high blood sugar and blood pressure all can lead to ED. So can leading a very stressful life. Moderate exercise (exercising to extremes can also cause ED) and adopting a healthier diet full of vegetables, fruits, lean protein and healthy fats can increase libido and sexual function. Dealing with your emotions and stress in a healthy way through meditation, yoga, talking to a professional or your significant other if it's a relationship-based stress/anxiety issue will also make a big difference. If you are constantly stressed, your body is constantly in fight or flight mode. A body in fight or flight mode will turn off every unnecessary function like your digestion and your sex hormones. Everyone benefits from relaxation, fun and laughter. Make sure you have a good amount of that in your life.
Along with exercise & stress/anxiety management, there are also some foods and dietary supplements that can help get your body back into balance and working better. Here are a few suggestions that have been researched and found to help both mild & moderate levels of ED.
It’s always a good idea to consult a health professional when you have an issue such as ED to rule out and/or get support for any other health concerns that may be contributing to the issue.
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