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On orders over $30!
A sedentary lifestyle combined with dietary choices filled with processed rather than fresh and nutritious whole foods make healthy weight management challenging, if not impossible. Being overweight or obese dramatically increases the likelihood that an individual will develop other health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and respiratory problems. By incorporating some simple lifestyle changes, however, healthy weight management can be accomplished.
Enjoying a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables goes a long way toward keeping weight at a healthy level. So does following an exercise routine on a regular basis, whether it be walking, swimming, jogging or a series of cardiovascular exercises that help to speed up the metabolism.
There are also certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients, when taken as daily weight control supplements, that can help speed up the body's fat-burning process in order to avoid weight gain and support healthy weight management.
Vitamin D helps improve the body's insulin sensitivity, helping less of the calories consumed turn into fat cells. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to the body's hoarding fat cells rather than releasing them to burn for energy, in addition to interfering with hormonal production of leptin, which helps the body recognize that hunger has been satisfied.
Calcium promotes weight loss by attaching to fat cells in the digestive system to prevent their absorption into the bloodstream. Omega-3 fatty acids are an enzyme that help support healthy weight levels by increasing the burning of fat cells for energy. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) are fatty acids promoting fat burning in the muscles.
The polyphenols found in green tea are antioxidants that are valuable for maintaining healthy weight levels by boosting the body's metabolism and fat-burning capabilities. Order your weight management products today!