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  • Gut Support by ION*
    $16.00- $72.00

    Gut Support by ION*

    They have NOT changed the ingredients or their formula, which remains exactly as it was at its inception in 2012. The only thing that has changed about ION* is the way they refer to and measure their ingredients. Shown in lab studies to help strengthen junction proteins in the gut wall and creating an environment for gut bacteria and biodiversity to thrive in, Gut Health is a soil-derived, carbon-rich supplement made of alkaline liquid, comprised of Terrahydrite (a formula made of Aqueous Humic Substances and trace mineral amino acid complexes). Gut Support works by blocking gut sensitivity to gluten and other chemicals. Research by ION* (formerly Biomic Sciences) have concluded that compared to gluten, glyphosate (commonly used in commercial herbicide) is ten times more likely to weaken the tight junctions in the gut membrane wall. Environmental contaminants, processed foods, GMOs and factory farming have all been factors in weakening the gut wall as well. Gut Support has been shown to create a positive change in the bacteria making up the microbiome, which is what probiotics and prebiotics do. Gut Support goes beyond what probiotics and prebiotics normally do, because it enhances the diversity of the gut bacteria, making the gut more open to the different strains of good gut bacteria or flora. A healthy gut is essential to maintaining a healthy digestive system, absorption and energy, protein and enzyme production. Having a healthy and strong gut wall is essential, as it defends toxins from entering the body. By strengthening the gut and brain barrier function, this unique formula from ION* can help reduce potential toxins from entering the bloodstream, thereby alleviating the many pressures put on the immune system to defend the body. By giving the immune system a break, this will also help enhance mental clarity for many individuals. Studies have also shown that Gut Support contains a signal to promote and activate what ION* have coined as GUT INTELLIGENCE, which is the natural intelligence of the gut membrane. This occurs when nutrients, water and chemicals across the membrane is regulated properly. Gut Support is made in the United States and undergoes regular testing for bacterial contamination, heavy metals and overall product viability. It is not a probiotic or prebiotic. Studies have also shown that even at high doses, Gut Support is non-toxic on kidney cells. Individuals who use Gut Support by ION* as directed may see such healthy benefits such as: Alleviating sensitivity to gluten. Promoting overall immune system and functions. Strengthen digestion and metabolism. Unlike probiotics, Gut Health will help the gut create a diverse ecosystem, making the gut more receptive to good bacteria and flora. Reducing toxins from potentially entering the bloodstream. Gut Health is vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, latex-free, sulfite-free, preservative-free, non-GMO, and certified glyphosate residue free. It is produced in a facility free of allergens, including peanuts and tree nuts. Optimizing hydration and nutrient absorption by supporting cellular communication. By providing support between the gut and the brain, Gut Health support boosting the mood and enhancing mental clarity. Gut Support for Gut-Brain Health bottles are available in 3 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz and 32 oz sizes. 32 oz = 2-month supply | 16 oz = 1-month supply | 8 oz = 2-week supply | 3 oz = 6-day supply
  • Dispensing Pump by ION*

    Dispensing Pump by ION*

    Great things about the pump! Two sizes designed to fit either a 32 oz or 16 oz bottle (PLEASE BE SURE YOU ORDER THE CORRECT SIZE FOR YOUR BOTTLE). Great new convenience! Spill-proof. Easier to hit your target (small glass or bowl) versus pouring directly from the bottle. Replaces the cap. Manufactured from BPA-free plastic. Looks cool.

About ION*

The story of ION* story began in 2012 when William Vitalis came across a journal article regarding soil science. William Vitalis was researching holistic technologies for Dr. Zach Bush in a clinic in Scottsville, Virginia. Like William, Dr. Bush realized the significance of the journal article’s discussion on ancient soil-derived carbon molecules with a redox-signaling system specific to bacteria. This led to the foundation of ION*.

Dr. John Gildea joined ION* and became an integral part in proving the potency and safety of ION*. Dr. Gildea demonstrated the safety of the proprietary formula, Terrahydrite on kidney cells and how Terrahydrite provided protection against glyphosate as well as restoring tight junction integrity.

ION*’s official launch took place at a local health food store in Charlottesville and by 2014, ION* was awarded a NEXTY at the Natural Products Expo East for their innovative product in the natural products industry. ION* was formulated by scientists from the University of Virginia, Duke University and John Hopkins School of Public Health.

ION* is a scientifically-proven soil-derived mineral supplement supplying defense against exposure to environmental and food-borne factors by providing support and protection to the intestinal walls by creating an optimal environment and ecology in the gut membrane for good gut bacteria to thrive in.

When zonulin is produced, it opens the tight junctions and can open the blood/brain barrier, kidney tubule systems and blood vessels. Gluten can trigger zonulin and factors such as factory farming, environmental toxins and highly processed foods. Heavy antibiotic use has also contributed to a steady decline of biodiversity and good gut bacteria in the gut membrane bacterial ecosystem.

Having a healthy and abundance of good gut bacteria is essential to protecting the immune system and maintaining overall health. ION* is among the first to supply bacterial metabolites to strengthen the tight junctions in the gut wall and blood/brain barrier by acting as a trigger for the communication system to support biodiversity in the gut ecosystem.

ION*’s flagship products include the original ION* that comes in multiple sizes. A version for children is available as well. It has the same potency and ingredients as the original version, but package to appeal to children.