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The adrenal glands are two small orange-colored triangles, located atop each kidney and are essential to maintaining good health. The adrenals work together with the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus to produce assorted chemicals necessary for overall healthy functioning of a variety of physical and mental processes in the body. Without proper adrenal support, the body's metabolic processes would be compromised since metabolism depends upon the healthy functioning of the adrenal glands.
One of the most important tasks attributed to the adrenal glands is dealing with physical, emotional and psychological stress. Whether the stress is related to the emotional pressures of working too hard, becoming physically sick, not getting enough sleep, or consuming poor dietary choices, the adrenal glands are essential for responding with the production of corticosteroid hormones. Many individuals who feel constantly stressed and tired are actually suffering from adrenal fatigue when these hard-working essential glands can no longer effectively respond to the chronic stressors an individual faces on a daily basis.
There are a number of nutrients found in quality dietary supplements that can offer adrenal support to help keep adrenal glands functioning at optimal levels to help regulate assorted essential metabolic processes. One of the most important is an ultra potent form of Vitamin C, combined with bioflavonoids to help rebuild the adrenals. Others include Coenzyme Q10, DHEA and licorice. Vitamin B complex is essential for helping repair damaged adrenal glands.
Free-form amino acids, proline and dessicated adrenal gland have all proven effective at helping provide adrenal support. The Chinese mushroom cordyceps is another time-honored remedy for supporting healthy adrenal gland function. Since poor digestion is associated with poor adrenal gland response, taking digestive enzymes can also help the adrenal glands to flourish and respond properly to stress.