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Most men and women place having a healthy sex life at the top of their wish list. But as many individuals age, a number of factors can play havoc with their libido, or desire to enjoy sexual pleasure and intimate sexual relationships. These include insomnia, lack of exercise, chronic stress and poor dietary choices.
There are a number of good reasons why supporting a healthy libido at any age is a desirable goal. The ability to enjoy sex brings with it several important health benefits. These include healthy immune system response, lower risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as healthy bladder functioning in women and a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men.
Regular exercise can help keep the body in shape for sexual contact and naturally raises the inclination to want sexual pleasure. A well-balanced diet is important to good sexual health as well, eliminating sugary and fatty processed foods in favor of an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy proteins. There are also a number of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can help promote a healthy desire for sex no matter what an individual's age.
Ginseng has long been revered in Chinese medicine as a natural tonic to help revitalize a person's energy levels. Gingko is another proven remedy for low libido levels. Zinc is especially vital for maintaining good prostate health.
Vitamin E helps to enhance sexual desire and mood in both men and women. Omega-3 fatty acids support good blood circulation. Supplements containing L-carnitine and L-arginine are also helpful for stimulating healthy sexual desire.