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On orders over $20!
D3 10,000 with K2 by NutriDyn combines a highly bioavailable form of vitamin D3 with vitamin K2. This formula is designed to maintain healthy vitamin D levels, which helps support bone, heart, immune system, and brain health.
Vitamin D is a powerful hormone that helps your body absorb calcium to help strengthen bones. It also helps the body absorb other important minerals including iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc.
Vitamin D also plays keys roles in heart health, immune function, and brain health.
Vitamin K2 works synergistically with vitamin D to keep calcium out of the arteries where it forms plaques and instead makes sure it finds its way to the bones where its needed.
Most of your vitamin D comes from sunlight exposure on the skin, however, people are spending more time indoors than ever. As a result, studies consistently find that vitamin D deficiency is very common throughout the world. Vitamin K2 deficiency is also very common.
While vitamin D can benefit most people, it is especially helpful for elderly individuals who are at a high risk of low bone density and fractures from falling. To make matters worse, as we age our bodys ability to make vitamin D from sunlight drastically declines. This makes supplementation with vitamin D necessary in older individuals.
This powerful combination includes the most effective form of vitamin D -- ergocalciferol, or vitamin D3.
It also contains the MK-7 form of vitamin K2, which is especially beneficially for people that have chronic health issues causing nutrient malabsorption.
Benefits of Nutri-Dyn's D3 10,000 with K2 include: