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On orders over $20!
Muscle aches, chronic fatigue, hair thinning, and joint stiffness can indicate a sluggish thyroid. You can help support your thyroid health with Detoxadine 1 fl. oz. by Global Healing. This liquid vegan formula delivers an easily assimilated deep-earth sourced nascent iodine for optimal benefits. Iodine is required to stimulate the production of thyroid hormone, but your body doesn’t make it, so you need to supply it through your food and supplements. When your iodine levels are low, your thyroid function may suffer and you can feel tired, puffy, and weak. Taking three drops of Global Healing’s Detoxadine 1 fl. oz. daily can help you maintain thyroid balance so you can regain your health and vitality.
The benefits of taking Detoxadine may include: