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If an individual wants to enjoy flexibility and good range of motion, it's important to maintain good muscle strength. Muscle strength is required for even the smallest physical movement, whether that be sitting, standing, walking or reaching to pick up an object.
Without proper muscle support, the muscles of the body become weakened and make the individual more susceptible to injury. Lack of tone and strength in the abdominal and back muscles can lead to chronic pain, and weakness in the thigh muscles can lead to knee and leg instability and injury. Weak muscles also increase the risk of falls that can lead to broken bones and even more decreased levels of physical activity.
Weight resistance exercises is one facet of a muscle support program that helps to keep the muscles throughout the body strong and toned. Eating a well-balanced diet can also help maintain healthy weight levels that influence muscle strength and tone. There are also a number of essential vitamins and minerals that offer support for promoting healthy muscle function as the body ages.
Vitamin D is crucial for overall muscle health, required for the body's ability to utilize calcium and phosphorous for proper muscle contraction as well as the development of strong bones. Omega-3 fats found in fish oil helps to decrease unwanted muscle protein breakdown and has proven effective at promoting muscle strength in senior women.
Vitamin C is important for collagen and elastin synthesis for good muscle health, as well as supporting the health of the blood vessels carrying oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps muscle cells recover faster from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. And B Vitamins, including thiamin, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin, are essential to maintaining muscle strength and tone necessary for daily physical activity.