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On orders over $20!
Let’s face it; many American diets don’t include much in the way fresh fruits and vegetables do. And no, corn doesn’t count as a vegetable no matter how many households regularly use it as such. It’s a grain/starch and doesn’t have as much nutritional value as a good leafy green, or even root vegetables.
That said, how can you get some really great nutrition for your body while you are working on those pesky diet changes you know you need to make? That’s where nutritional supplements play a big role in overall health and wellness. But not all supplements are created equal. In many cases you get what you pay for. Cheap over the counter vitamins at a department store have no guarantee that they even have in them what they claim and may also have things such as heavy metals and other toxins that you would prefer not to ingest.
Sticking with brands that are at the top of the field, doing cutting edge research and development and who meticulously manage every aspect of their supplement production is the way to go. Metagenics is one such company. They were founded in 1983 and specialize in science based nutrition. They specialize in “research-based medical foods, nutraceuticals, and turnkey programs help address each patient’s unique health needs for a higher level of personalized, lifetime wellness care.”
Metagenics has come out with a multivitamin that goes way above and beyond the regular multi. It’s called PhytoMulti and it is a smart choice for people who want a super-charged dose of nutrients. What makes it different is that it contains an optimized blend of minerals and vitamins and a science based spectrum of phytonutrients designed to recharge, nourish and defend your cells. It’s specifically designed support for well-being and the health of multiple body systems including the health of the brain and nervous system, eye and vision, cardiovascular, liver, immune system and energy metabolism.
PhytoMulti reflects extensive research on the diverse phytonutrients found in a healthy Mediterranean diet, rich in a colorful variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs and other plant foods. Phytonutrients provide important nourishment to promote healthy cellular function and communication in the body. They also provide antioxidant protection against potentially damaging free radicals that increase with age, poor lifestyle choices and pollutants. That’s why health experts recommend eating more phytonutrient-rich foods to help you thrive, eating as many different colored plant foods as possible. PhytoMulti includes superior phytonutrients such as lutein, lycopene and resveratrol amongst others.
It is also uniquely designed to protect the cell– to help the cell send signals in favor of good health throughout the body. A sophisticated COMET test has demonstrated the phytonutrient blend’s potential to maintain DNA stability in human immune cells. And an advanced functional ORAC test has shown PhytoMulti’s superior potential for protection against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This research based formula delivers focused, multidimensional support for healthy aging with the power of concentrated phytonutrients– in just 1 to 2 tablets daily.
This formulation is particularly good for those who want a lot of nutrition but not a lot of pills to take. It differs from over the counter multivitamins not only in the amount and kind of nutrition but in absorbability. Many of the standard multivitamins are hard to digest therefor you do not absorb the vitamins. If you can’t digest the vitamins you are taking they will pass right through you giving you no benefit at all. PhytoMulti, like all Metagenics products, are formulated to digest easily and quickly so you get all the nutrition it has to offer. Metagenics has also reformulated the Wellness Essential vitamin packs to include the PhytoMulti instead of the Multigenics Intensive Care so you will have fewer pills to take and more nutrition available.
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