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Allergy Relief

About Allergy Relief

Individuals suffering from allergies often experience symptoms such as nasal congestion, ears that feel clogged, headaches, hives, itching and sneezing. Allergic reactions can be caused from a variety of issues ranging from environment factors - where an individual lives or the season and weather - to the foods consumed, as well as the dander of pets occupying the same living space. Allergies can cause uncomfortable symptoms that may interfere with the quality of life, and as such, specific steps are often taken to help alleviate the causes of allergic reactions.

Individuals who suffer from food allergies are aware of or learn exactly what food products and substances to avoid or eliminate from their diets. Seasonal allergies can be minimized by using air purifiers indoors and minimizing the amount of time spent outdoors, as it can be filled with pollen and other pollutants. And for those suffering from pet allergies, limiting exposure to the pet(s) and frequent pet bathing and brushing may also help decrease or eliminate pet dander in the air.

There are also a number of vitamins and nutrients that can provide relief for individuals suffering from allergies:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to be effective at helping to reduce the risk of allergies and serve as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Rosmarinic acid found in such natural herbs such as rosemary, peppermint, oregano, thyme and lemon balm is also effective for fast allergy relief.
  • Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that offers anti-histamine, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, shown to be beneficial in reducing the symptoms associated with allergic reactions.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that help reduce histamine release in the body associated with allergies.
  • Selenium is a mineral shown to be effective in producing certain proteins that offer antioxidant action, especially when combined with Vitamin E, another ingredient that research has shown to be helpful in reducing allergy-related antibodies.
  • Having a healthy digestive system is crucial in providing allergy relief, so daily probiotics can also be very beneficial.